Panel MZV - Umělá inteligence a lidská práva

 Moderator: Monika Hanych, Kancelář vládního zmocněnce pro zastupování před Evr. soudem pro lidská práva, MSp ČR; členka pracovní skupiny k umělé inteligenci a lidským právům WG CAHAI Rady Evropy


Philippe-André Rodriguez
Philippe-André Rodriguez is the Deputy director of the Center for International Digital Policy, Global Affairs Canada. He holds PhD from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. Prior to joining Global Affairs Canada, Mr. Rodriguez was a senior advisor to the Canadian Cabinet at the Privy Council Office, and a Research Fellow at Yale Law School. His research has appeared in international journals such as the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, the Human Rights Review, and the European Review of History. He currently sits on the Administration Board of the Canadian Internet Governance Forum.


Sebastián García
Garcia Sebastian is an Assistant Professor in CTU University, malware researcher and security teacher with experience in applied machine learning on network traffic. He founded the Stratosphere Laboratory, aiming to do impactful security research to help others using machine learning. He is part of the Avast Lab in the CTU University in Prague. As a researcher, he believes that free software and machine learning tools can help better protect users from abuse of our digital rights. He researches on machine learning for security, honeypots, malware traffic detection, social networks security detection, distributed scanning (dnmap), keystroke dynamics, fake news, computational propaganda, Bluetooth analysis, privacy protection, intruder detection, and spy microphones detection. He taught in several Universities and worked on penetration testing for both corporations and governments. He talked in conferences such as BlackHat, Defcon Villages, Ekoparty, DeepSec, Hackitivy, Botconf, Hacklu, InBot, SecuritySessions, ECAI, CitizenLab, ArgenCon, Free Software Foundation Europe, VirusBulletin, BSides Vienna, HITB Singapore, CACIC, AAMAS, etc. He co-founded the MatesLab hackspace in Argentina and co-founded the Independent Fund for Women in Tech.


Luka Omladič
Luka Omladič lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has a PhD in philosophy (Univ. of Ljubljana). His previous employments include research and lecturing post at University in Ljubljana. Currently he works at his own consulting firm Institute of Applied Ethics in Ljubljana. He served two mandates as a member of UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), his tenure finishing in 2019. During this time, he was member of COMEST bureau and twice member of the jury for UNESCO Avicenna prize for ethics in science. He was the rapporteur for 2017 UNESCO COMEST report on Robotics Ethic and co-writer of 2019 COMEST Preliminary Study on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. He attended and presented his work on several hi-level AI and robotics ethics conferences, among them 1st AI for Good Global Summit (Geneva 2017), Humans, machines and Health Workshop (Vatican City, 2019), Global Forum on AI for Humanity (Paris 2019). In 2020, he was a member of UNESCO’s Ad Hoc Expert Group entrusted with the preparation of a preliminary text of a Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. He is also a member of Slovenian group of experts in Global Partnership on AI (GPAI).
