Ondřej Kapr


Fraud in Cyberspace

The objective of the presentation is to inform the audience about current risks in the area of online fraud in the Czech Republic, especially current trends, taking into consideration specifics of various modi operandi in relation to the fragility of the digital world when the main attack vector is overcoming the human factor. The presentation will discuss preventive activities in relation to this topic stressing the common narratives identified by the prevention. The presentation will close by  presentation of possible solutions that Police of the Czech Republic can use to combat this growing type of crime.

Pplk. Mgr. Ondřej Kapr 

Pplk. Kapr is an executive of the Department of Economic Crime of the Office of the Criminal Police and Investigation of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic, department dealing among others with methodology and coordination of the so called “other cybercrime”, i. e. online crime, morality crime or child and harmful pornography. 

Pplk. Kapr is a member of the group dealing with cybercrime, especially cybercrime umethodology, coordination and preventive measures. He gives preference to the preventive measures and actively participates on various campaigns and educational activities, as well as proactive preventive measures. 

He serves the police for more than 16 years working up from the basic level, through the criminal police on the district and regional level, to the Police Presidium. He participated, for example, on the apprehension of the “pedoking” Mr. Dostál, or the investigation of the cyberattack on the Benešov hospital. 
