Dominik Vítek


GDPR errors and affairs

Dominik will provide overview about important issues, decisions and court rulings, and also on major developments in the field of personal data protection in cyberspace. GDPR – the EU’s comprehensive data protection law has been in place for about 2 years and it is time to have a look into how it has been implemented across EU countries and what lessons can be derived out of these years. One of the questions is linked to the growing discussions regarding effectiveness of GDPR enforcement, harmonization a cooperation mechanisms of GDPR. The global outbreak of SARS-Cov-2 virus brought in a series of new questions and challenges linked to processing of most sensitive types of personal data during pandemics. The transfer of personal data from EU to USA has recently been seriously hit by a decision of the European Court of Justice who invalidated the Privacy Shield and stipulated additional conditions on top of Standard Contractual Clauses, which has been used as the most common legal grounds allowing transfer of personal data from EU to the US. In the last part of the presentation, author will quickly discuss legal aspects linked to processing of Biometrical data, such as Facial recognition or Dynamic electronic signature and what are the implications for organizations.

Dominik Vítek is a senior associate in Pierstone (law firm) where he advises on all aspects of privacy, cybersecurity, telecommunications, ICT and IP law. He regularly publishes and lectures on a wide variety of topics spanning privacy, technology, digitalization and artificial intelligence. He co-authored the academic commentaries on the GDPR and its Czech implementing law prepared and published by Pierstone.
