About IS2 conference

IS2 is a prestigious independent international conference on information security held in Prague since 2000.

The IS2 conference, traditionally organized under the auspices of important representatives of the Czech government and state authorities, raises awareness of important trends in information security and enables companies and public administration organizations to reduce risks and better face potential threats.

The conference is regularly organized in historic buildings in Prague to bring the history of the Czech Republic to participants from both the Czech Republic and abroad. Past editions have been held, for example, in Klementinum, Troja Castle, Agnes Monastery, the Prague Castle Ballroom, or the Karolinum of Charles University.

For more than twenty years, nearly 350 highly respected foreign and domestic personalities have spoken at this conference - for example, Robert Bigman (retired CIA security chief), Eugene Schultz (advisor to the US government during the First World War), Roger Needham (Fellow of the Royal Society of Science and the Royal Academy of Engineering, co-founder of Microsoft Research Cambridge), Bill Hancock (Chairman of the US Department of Homeland Defense Information Security Task Force), Pete Herzog ("father" of the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual - OSSTMM), Süleyman Anil (head of cyber defense of the ESCD in NATO), Jeff Bardin (chief intelligence officer of Treadstone 71), John Rogers Searle (prominent American philosopher) or Miroslav Singer (ex-governor of the Czech National Bank and Martin Maisner - renowned lawyer dealing with ICT law).

The speakers focus on key ICT trends and visions with an emphasis on cybersecurity. The spectrum of lectures is very broad - from conceptual and strategic issues to legislative developments, as well as mapping the latest trends and directions in the field of IT security. During its duration, the conference has welcomed over 2000 participants from middle and senior management, from financial, telecommunications, utilities, IT, academia, and, of course, government.

Their positive reviews confirm that IS2 is considered one of the highlights of the conference season.