Said Urban


Criminal activity in cyberspace - activities of police authorities

In today's dynamic world, the shift of human movement into cyberspace is unstoppably detected. Hand in hand with it in cyberspace is the rise of criminal activity, where perpetrators abuse the internet environment to act against both physical and legal persons, and through activities outside the law they make significant illegal profits or possess highly sensitive data which they use for their own benefit. 

State authorities are responding to this phenomenon by continuously assessing the area and proposing legislative amendments to legal standards, but also by implementing structural measures in law enforcement agencies, including adjustments to their practices and methodologies.  The area marked cybercrime directly affects the sphere of cyber security and it is necessary to precisely define the activities of law enforcement authorities in relation to the activities of administrators of the subject of a cyber attack and, where appropriate, the activities of CSIRT/CERT teams.  It is therefore appropriate to present what actions are taken by the police and security forces in the event that a cyber-attack is detected against a computer system located mainly on the territory of the Czech Republic.

Said Urban

He is a criminalist with more than 32 years of experience, having worked in the structure of the National Drug Control Centre, where he led several very successful international anti-drug operations. Subsequently, he worked at the Organised Crime Detection Unit of the National Headquarters against Organised Crime, where he led a team operating in the field of violent crime. Later, he was at the origin of the Cybercrime Investigation Department, where he went through the entire management structure of the Department and finally served as deputy director of the newly established unit - the National Headquarters against terrorism, extremism and cybercrime, where he personally participated in the regulation of criminal proceedings in the given issue. Now he is the chief advisor of the independent cybersecurity department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.