Petr Slováček a Pavel Rivola

Protection of Critical Infrastructure

Security and quality of services provided should be the most important consideration of any service provider. Provide quality services only is, however, not sufficient. In order to be able to provide both quality and secure services, the provider has to focus on an efficient protection of its infrastructure, especially in those cases where he operates critical information infrastructure.

The authors will present a case-study of CETIN and its view of threats to critical information infrastructure in the area of telecommunications and measures to protect this infrastructure and preserve secure and quality services for its customers.

The presentation will focus on the following:

1. What is critical information infrastructure for CETIN – difference between critical information infrastructure and critical infrastructure? What must CETIN protect?

2. What are the main threats? How we in CETIN perceive threats and how we evaluate them? What has to be protected most and against what do we protect us? What threats do we expect in the future in relation to 5G? What will be the specifics of 5G implementation in the Czech Republic?

3. How do we evaluate risks? How do we deal with them?

4. How to ensure secure provision of services for the security of the state in the area of communication from the point of view of the threats and risks?

Petr Slováček

Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Telecommunications industry – Graduated.
Postgraduate course-Master of Business Telecommunications (M.B.T.), Technical university in Delft, Netherlands - Graduated
After his studies he worked at the Research Institute of Telecommunications in Prague. In 1989 joined SPT TELECOM (the legal predecessor of O2 Czech Republic) and worked in the fields of communications technology, technical development, management of network projects and OSS. In June 2003, he was elected the 2nd Vice-Chairman of ČESKÝ TELECOM's Board of Directors, and subsequently held the position of Vice-President for Operations and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at O2 Czech Republic. Since 2015, he worked as the CEO of the Czech Telecommunication Infrastructure a.s. (CETIN).
Now he is the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CETIN.
Pavel Rivola

He achieved economic and philosophical-theological education at Charles University in Prague. At the same time he achieved an MBA from the Institute of Law and Legal Science in Prague, International Relations and European Studies.
He is currently employed as Chief Security Officer in CETIN and is also responsible for the protection of classified information.
Currently one of the main tasks it is the security of CII and its services.
