Radim Polčák, Zbyněk Loebl, Pavel Vondruška

Conformity Assessment Body ("CAB") in the Czech Republic

The presenation will discuss preparation of the first Czech Conformity Assessment Body ("CAB") as defined by the EU Regulation on Cybersecurity ( so called Cybersecurity Act). The presentation will start with an outline of the current legal and organizational framework for creation of organizational CAB within and outsice the EU. We will also describe current situation in ENISA regarding preparation of the first schemes. The main part of the presentation will be devoted to the preparation of the CAB. We will present the starting point of the project, describe advancement of the work and current status of CAB creation.

Radim Polčák

Radim Polcak is the vice-rector of Masaryk University (MU) and the head of the Institute of Law and Technology at the Law Faculty at MU (Czech Republic). He is the general chair of the Cyberspace conference and the founder of the Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology and the Review of Law and Technology (Revue pro právo a technologie). He is a founding fellow of the European Law Institute and the European Academy of Law and ICT, a panellist at the Eu ADR arbitration court and a member of various governmental and scientific expert and advisory bodies and project consortia around the EU. He also served as a Special Adviser for Robotics and Data Protection Policy to the European Commission. Radim authored or co-authored over 150 scientific papers, books and articles namely on topics related to cyberlaw and legal philosophy.
Zbynek Loebl

Zbynek Loebl is a specialist in internet law, convergent services, electronic communications, e-commerce, personal data protection, security and intellectual property.

Zbynek obtained a Master’s degree (Mgr.) from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno and an LL.M. degree from Queen Mary & Westfield College in London and a Master’s degree (Ing.) in international relations from the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Economics in Prague.

After completing a research fellowship in London, Zbynek worked as a senior lawyer at Sipovic & Partners. From 1995 to 2006, he served as partner and, later, senior partner at Central European Advisory Group. Zbynek also acted as an external advisor at the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic (2007-2009) and as senior lawyer at Rowan Legal (2010-2012). For a couple of years, he was a member of the Appellate Committee of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition (ÚOOÚ ČR). Zbynek is one of the founders of Youstice, a company specialised in online dispute resolution. He joined PRK Partners in 2016.

Zbynek worked at IT Law Europe, a free association of lawyers specialised in modern technologies law from its onset; he was the only lawyer from Central Europe. For several years, he was the Czech representative to the International Technology Law Association. He has also participated in a number of international projects related to cross-border online dispute resolution.
Pavel Vondruška

Pavel Vondruška graduated from MFF UK (the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague). Since 1987 he has been professionally engaged in cryptology. He worked as a cryptologist at the NBU (National Security Authority) and at the ÚOOÚ (The office for Personal data Protection) at the time when the authority was in charge of the Electronic Signature Act. Currently, he works as a security director at CETIN a.s . He has been since 2004 lecturing externally at MFF UK - standards in cryptography. He was involved in the preparation of the Electronic Signature Act and the relevant implementing decree. He has long been involved in the popularization of cryptology and information security in the Czech Republic, and has published dozens of articles on this topic. For more than 15 years he published electronic exercise books on cryptography and information security Crypto-World. He is the author of the books : Electronic Signature; Cryptology, encryption and secret scripts. He is a member of the SSKB Committee (Cyber Security Competition), which organizes a high school competition in cyber security.
