Petr Foltýn


"Digitalization of a university hospital (healthcare) - expectations vs. security" 

The digitalization, or more precisely "Digital Transformation" of the University Hospital is a long process of highly expected and desired changes that should allow for more efficient work for healthcare professionals and greater availability of information for patients. However, all this requires the implementation of major renewal and acquisition projects in the field of applications and infrastructure and the associated demands on capacity and sufficient expertise of the IT staff. However, it is also essential to ensure cybersecurity both in downstream operations and especially during period of project implementation. The Ostrava University Hospital has already implemented several very significant changes and we can responsibly name the key disparities between expectations and reality and also list the most pressing moments of the entire process. 

Petr Foltýn 

From 2006-2015, he led the sales and technical teams in the field of outsourcing IT services in the education sector, 2015- 2016 he led the technical team of Trivision s.r.o. and from 2016-2018 he was the Sales Director of Trivision, then with a focus on healthcare. In 2018, he then joined the FN Ostrava as Deputy Director for IT, where he is currently working. He has been actively involved in cybersecurity issues in the healthcare sector since 2016.